images de
Ron Jones

Nous vous fournissons des tableaux muraux d'excellente qualité dans les versions les plus diverses. Sur cette page, vous trouverez des tableaux en tant que Impressions d'art photo, tableaux sur toile, images encadrées, tableaux en verre und Papier peint.

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Portrait d'artiste de Ron Jones

Ron Jones

Ron Jones

  • Vit (a vécu) à United States


I have worked as a professional composer creating scores for many popular TV series. I have always been interested in landscape and spent much of my childhood playing in the forest behind our home. Creating music for Film and TV involves finding musical ideas such as melody, harmony, rhythm, tempo and orchestration that evoke in the listener the right feeling or emotions to support the visual story being told. I have tried to figure out in my landscape work what it is in visual information (photogrphy) that evokes meaning, feeling, emotional response as people look at images. The visual, frontal lobe of our brain does not generate the endorphins or interal chemicals of emotion as effectively as the audio processor part does. When I ask the professionals who create images, they really have no clear answer as to why we respond to one image rather than another. I believe there are many common aspects that both music and visual information share. There is line, shape, rhythm, color, noise, harmony, dischord and all the rest. Since we have evolved to process the world as a multi sense stream of information, we see a car drive by, but also hear it and our memory might stur an emotion based on our feeling. The light as it illuminates the landscape is a transient thing. How wonderful that we can freeze time and explore that moment. I love seeing what the path ahead reveals and discovering not only the deep wonder of our world, but though appreciating the Earth, I become changed and more informed. The wind, the smells, the sounds, the light, the tastes and touch for me are as much a part of the image. An image is mearly a side effect of the mind as it seeks to express, communicate, document and create. It really is a visual music. I hope you enjoy the score.


Appreciating our connection to the Earth and Universe


Landscapes demand a deeper and more informed attention and to me, a realization inside of our connection to all things. We are not walking around as outsiders, as observers. We are part of the landscape and part of its meaning. In a world that grows more noisy and spinning in all directions, we can stop time. A still photograph slows it all down so we can really see or catch a part of the wonder of life, of living, of being. I know that sounds silly to some, but to me, we are the camera. The landscape takes a picture of us. Each day is very different from any other day. So is each moment different. Being out there trying to see, I stop more and more and strain to listen, to let all that sound speak. Light is a vibration, an occilation as is sound and music.Photographers miss so much if they act like they are deaf, only seeing to capture images. Imaging and composition deals with perception and sound and light are two of the most important vibrations. Everything matters, the light sings it's song. We capture things best when we hear and well as see, maybe even touch the trees, the land, the sky, the rain and wind. If our images successfully resonate in the viewrs mind, then we have communicated what they already felt, heard and seen. We remind them of a beautifl morning or a colorful painted sunset. It is endlessly fun to see what is out there and the greatest joy to connect with the universe in this way. Yummy.


Photography is not a religion


There is no right way or wrong way to create an image. Liking it is not important. We are not exporing images, but meaning and trying to (hopefully) communicate through a static, visual equasion (millions of pixels) beamed upon a sensor. The thing that matters is the Human Receptor and it's sensors. Photograpgy will grow if we break convention and look past our limitations and dream hard, imagine wildly and act upon posibility, not conventions and rules. A gallery is not a temple. Photography is man made, not granted or handed down from the saints. Ansel Adams, if he was alive today, might look at the sacred cows and walls we have created and feel regret. We have no excusses, no where to hide. The tools are ours, they start and end in our creative imagination. You can not buy a bigger imagination, or buy softwere that reveals the soul. We don't dream big enough.


Ronald Jones

Les images sont principalement classées dans le courant artistique Photographie.
Ron Jones s'est principalement intéressé aux motifs suivants: Vue sur la Ville.
Dans les tableaux de l'artiste, les couleurs dominent Noir, Marron et Bleu.

Impressions d'art photo

Les tirages d'art photo sont des impressions numériques réalisées sur des imprimantes grand format de dernière génération. Les meilleurs résultats sont ainsi obtenus, en particulier sur les papiers photo. Commandez par exemple la photo »Pourquoi les médias fonctionnent« de Ron Jones pour faire entrer l'art photographique dans votre salon.

Tableaux sur toile

Nos tableaux sur toile sont fabriqués à la main dans notre propre atelier. L'impression sur toile ou l'impression d'art contrecollée sur une toile est tendue sur un châssis de qualité. Parfaitement calé et muni d'une suspension, le tableau sur toile peut être directement accroché. En option, nous proposons également chaque tableau encadré, par exemple avec un cadre à joints d'ombre. »Prendre dans une étendue floue« de Ron Jones en tant que tableau sur toile embellira également votre intérieur.

Images encadrées

Nous encadrons presque toutes les images. Vous pouvez choisir parmi de nombreuses baguettes d'encadrement différentes celle qui convient à l'image de vos rêves. Les passe-partout font partie de l'équipement, tout comme les différentes possibilités de protection de la surface. Ainsi, »La Cité perdue de l'or« de Ron Jones devient une pièce maîtresse du salon ou de la chambre à coucher.

Tableaux en verre

Les tableaux en verre que nous proposons sont imprimés selon le procédé d'impression UV. Les bords polis, la surface résistante aux rayures, le verre de sécurité et la suspension flottante créent une ambiance moderne dans votre intérieur. Ainsi, le tableau en verre »Sans titre« de Ron Jones ne manquera pas de vous impressionner, vous et tous vos visiteurs.

Papier peint

L'art qui remplit l'espace de Ron Jones. Ainsi, »Disney Concert Hall-Montage (version couleur)« prend une toute nouvelle allure. Les papiers peints sont imprimés sur un support solide, selon vos indications, par un procédé d'impression au latex.